

The cake is in the oven.
Yay! I'm really nervous about this one..
I really hope the boy likes it. 

I ordered some stuff on mod cloth and it came today!! I absolutely love that store. I wish there was one in real life! They were having a huge sale and I could not resist. I got my prom shoes! And they actually fit! Way to go modcloth! 

None of these lovely items are available anymore, but they have sooo much cute stuff. 
Dot's the way I like it

She wore true velvet heals in champagne

Tapes-'tres' chic shorts

Hope you're having a lovely friday. Someone was shooting at/in the store where Jesse works today while he was working, luckily no one got hurt! Welcome to America. I'm glad that today was his last day working there. It's so surprising how much gun violence there is these days, it's like no one is even surprised by it any more. 

Sorry to get off on a tangent! 

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Those are some seriously cute things, I have to get some Modcloth stuff myself!
    But also that is awful what happened at your bf's work, I'm so glad everyone is safe. We hear all about these type of things over here on the news. Keep safe :)
