
It takes one to know one

I am very sorry for the lack of a real post yesterday. I got home from school and slept until 10, then posted and immediately fell back asleep.

I had a 'One Thing' post planned for today, but for the life of me I can't remember what It was about.

Tomorrow school gets out early, and I'm headin' to a different town to drink my favorite coffee!! My old best friend texted me today, and invited me to come over and hang out! (She lives in a different state, like 1 hour away)

For awhile we've been drifting apart and it used to really effect me negativly, nostalgia I tell you! But I had a conversation with someone, his name was David, I think. And he said Something along the lines of "It's okay to drift away and let people go, and to have those freinds that you just meet up with everyonce in awhile and talk about how things are going in life..." I found that really comforting, because obviously things are going to change.

Infact my very best friend of like 7 years is going to college on the otherside of the country, and I doubt we will be as close as we are now. And I think that remembering what David said is really import at times like these, the end of Highschool, college, moving. People aren't abondoning you, you're just experiencing life.

These are sort of candid thoughts. Hopefully enjoyable.

Love Always Jessica

Circa: 2009